
In this section, I will be writing about games that are nostalgic to me and that I also love!


I remember when my brother Ry traded a boxing game we had on the Xbox 360 (I think it was fight night champion) with a friend for this game, and I've been in love with it ever since. I remember back in 2nd grade I'd be so excited to come home and play this game everyday.


Minecraft was apart of so many peoples childhoods and it was apart of mine too. Everytime my half-brothers came to visit everyother weekend we'd play minecraft for hours and hours. We had built this huge city in creative called RMC city (the RMC is our firstname initials). We also built hunger games maps and we had this thing called bedrock wars where we'd build fortresses out of bedrock and fight each other. I once created this world called 'Steve Land', I honestly dont remember what I was planning to do with the world or where the name came from but we turned it into a world filled with mini-games, we had spleef, skywars, and many other mini-games, including ones inspired by the minecraft youtuber Stampy.


Me and my half-brothers would always play this a lot too. Most of the time we were not allowed to play track and field because when I was growing up, I lived in a duplex with my aunt living on the other side, the duplex also had thin walls, so when we'd play track and field we would always annoy my aunt by being too loud because track and field includes sprints and sprints with hurdles, so we were basically stomping and jumping very loudly haha. This is also the game everyone wanted to play at birthday parties, mainly the party-play mode. I'd always lose in party-play though. But I would usually always beat my brother's asses in boxing and volleyball.


I loved sonic growing up. I had sonic toys, sonic clothes, etc. I remember the day I got this game. It was in 2012. My mom came home from the store and got me this game along with a lalaloopsy play set as some sort of random gift. I remember being so excited and happy and popping the game into my xbox immediatly.


I don't remember actually playing this game much but I did like to watch my brothers play it. The only time I actually remember playing this game was during my cousins birthday party back in like 2015 or 2016 lol.

COD: Black Ops II

Another game I'd constantly either play with my brothers or by myself. We mainly played gun game and zombies, and when it was just me playing I'd play either campaign or multiplayer (I was too scared to play zombies on my own, otherwise I probably would've played that too lol). Playing zombies with my brothers was sooooo much fun, the little challenges we'd create for ourselves to see how many rounds we could get through before we died, or to see who killed more zombies. We'd always get so excited to the point where we were basically screaming and pissing our pants when one of us got a ray-gun in the mystery box and we'd always get so upset when we got something lame like the ballistic knife or stun grenades. But with gun game, my oldest brother always wanted to play it and he always won too, so I didn't like playing it that much.


This is the best game ever created... Just kidding! Though it was very fun during its peak and I still play it from time to time. During 2015-2017 I played this game non-stop, I loved this game so so much and have so many memories associated with it, so it will always have a special place in my heart. Everyday after school was moviestarplanet time and moviestarplanet time only, I would basically play it from the minute I got home to when it was bedtime, I'd even play it in the morning before school. And on weekends, I'd stay up til like 3-4 in the morning playing this damn game. During this time my mom worked at a grocery store, which was awesome because she'd bring me home snacks to devour while dressing up my moviestar or making the worst horror movie you'd ever see LMFAO. My favorite things to do in this game was buy what I thought at the time were cute outfits, but by looking through my MSP wardrobe now, were pretty hideous, and I'd also like to make horror/creepy movies. There was also this hacker who would always terrorize me in this game, even made me buy them their whole wishlist or else they said they'd hack me lol.


If I wasn't playing MSP, I was playing roblox. I would always play obby's (and get very angry while playing them), scary games, and role-play games, specifically a role-play game called 'Welcome To The Town of Robloxia' or something like that. I'd play that game a lot, even accidently pulled an all-nighter playing it once. I dont know what happened to the original version of that game though, the last time I tried to search it up, I only found copies of it which were always fucked up or filled with players with hacks or mods (I think they are actually called admin commands, but im not sure) where they would just fuck up the playing experience for everyone, the fucked up servers were fun sometimes though.